Constantly, I Improve My Relationships With the People That I Love

Positive affirmation from - I spend my time helping and encouraging the people in my life!
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Constantly, I am there for my family and friends. I spend my time helping and encouraging the people in my life. I am a helper; I am a friend; I am a trusted companion. I am careful; I am loving; I am supportive. Daily, I give my all to the people that I love. And the more I give of myself, the more I receive.

Positive affirmation from - I spend my time helping and encouraging the people in my life!

Positive affirmation from - I am a helper; I am a friend; I am a trusted companion! I am careful; I am loving; I am supportive!

Do not forget to check out our free affirmations eBook Gratitude Now – Positive Affirmations For A Grateful Life