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Each day, I show great courage while acting on my dreams. I never lose hope or courage, I persist. Each day, I persist. My courage grows more and more with time. With each new act of courage, I get more courageous. Courage is like a muscle, and I develop it daily with work. And the more I use my courage, the more courage I get.
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I take action now; I am courageous now
Bravery is one with me
I show bravery; I am brave; I am courageous
I love starting new projects and challenging myself
My courage is firm and unquestionable
I Am Free To Make the General Decisions About My Life
I fill my heart with boldness
My courage empowers me
I Inspire Others With My Courage
I get better and better, and I get bolder
I Am Brave
I Embrace Courage and Act Courageously