Daily Affirmation for courage 23.12.2020

Daily Affirmation for Courage from Affirmations.online - I stay brave, strong and encouraged!
   Reading time 1 minute

Today’s affirmations topic is how to become more courageous. And in this post, we suggest a daily affirmation for courage to help you increase the levels of courage that you possess and make you unstoppable.

Why courage matters?

It is vital that you keep your faith and live your life with great courage. No matter what you want to achieve in life, bravery is always needed and appreciated. A courageous behaviour is vital for a well lived life; and if you want to be fulfilled, you should learn how to act in ways  that are courageous.

Here is our daily affirmation for courage for 23.12.2020:

I stay brave, strong and encouraged!

Daily Affirmation for Courage from Affirmations.online - I stay brave, strong and encouraged!
Daily Affirmation for Courage: I stay brave, strong and encouraged!

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