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Each day, I welcome happiness, and I welcome joy. My life gets filled with positive experiences, and this makes me feel safe and satisfied with the way that I live. Emotions of joy quickly come to me: each day, they come. I am a joyous person; I live a joyous life; and my heart is joyful.
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Emotions of Joy Make Me Happy, and I Smile
My happiness depends on me
I am eager to experience happiness
My heart is filled with joy, and thoughts of happiness entertain my mind
Constantly, I Find Reasons To Be Happy in My Life
I decide to be happy
I feel emotions of joy, happiness and freedom
My days are filled with sunshine and good thoughts
Despite the hard times, I am feeling happy
I Have a Good Attitude About Life, and Life Treats Me Good
My life reflects my happy emotions
I get happier and calmer, and my life improves
Today, I Am Happy, and I Live with Great Hopes
I Am Well Able to Enjoy Myself and Have a Good Time
My attitude is positive, and I feel great
Wonderful Experiences Await Me in Life