Happiness is in my life! Happiness is present in my days! I go around being happy and fulfilled! I feel content with life and am eager to make a masterpiece out of it! My happiness depends on me, and I decide to be happy daily! Constantly, I welcome happiness in my days; and constantly, happiness comes! I think happy thoughts, and my mind is happy! I think in positive terms, and my heart is joyful and in love with life! I find happiness; I find peace; I find joy! I create the life of my dreams daily! Yes, I am happy, fulfilled and in love with life! I love being alive, and I love living my life!
Being happy and staying in love with life is a true gift! The realization that our happiness depends on us is very liberating and sets us free! Use the positive affirmations suggested here to daily remind you that happiness is a possible reality for you! We could be happy each single day of our lives as long as we make the conscious effort to do so! Repeating the affirmations as much as possible will create emotions of happiness in you, and as a result you will wake up each morning eager to live your life and enjoy your days!