In my life, I always keep on going. I persevere; I stay constantly motivated and in pursuit of my goals. Each day, I go on. Each day, I move on. Each day, I last. Each day, my motivation lasts. And constantly, I feel brave and full of energy. I never stop; in my life, I never quit. I am always working on my goals; and I always stay in faith. I have the hope required; and I also have the will! I simply go on. Yes, I always move on and find happiness and peace. And constantly, I manage to make all my dreams come true.

Having the motivation and the faith to persevere is important. All of our goals, we are able to achieve them as long as we never stop and keep on going! The positive affirmations above will help you stay motivated and always in pursuit of your dreams! The daily repetition of the affirmations will make you a true warrior, and you will start to believe in yourself and like the life you live and the person that you are!