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I take action, no matter what. My fears won’t stop me; nothing can stop me. Once I’ve decided, nothing has the power to stop me. Whatever it is that I want to do, I make a plan with steps to take, and I take action. I make the first steps, then it becomes easy. Once the first steps are taken, it becomes easy. I make it a habit to take action in my life. I am not just sitting and waiting for life to happen to me: I am taking action and following my goals and dreams.
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Daily, I stay motivated and pursue my goals
I am a fighter, and I fight and win
I can do it
Disappointments make me strong
Each day, I move a step closer to achieving my dreams
I stay committed to my dreams and walk constantly in their direction
Courageous are my actions, courageous are my thoughts
My motivation remains high
I have goals, and I follow them with passion
Each Day Has a Unique Opportunity in It
Constantly, I feel motivated to take action
I am fearless in pursuing my goals
My mind constantly directs me towards the right decisions
Thoughts of encouragement are in my mind
I am a dreamer, and I dream big
I am working towards the achievement of my goals, and I feel happy and motivated