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I am determined to succeed and achieve my goals. My determination knows no limits, and I stay determined, always. I act on my goals. I listen to my inner voice! I deal with the fears that arise in me. I am strong; I am capable; I am determined; I am motivated; and I go on. Daily, I go on. Daily, I move on. Daily, I stay determined. Daily, I am me, and I am the best that I could be.
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Great Resources of Inner Power Are Hidden Within Me
I am free from judging myself too hard
I compare myself only with former versions of myself
I am a bright, happy, healthy person, and I feel good about myself
I Am Enough; I Am the One I Need
I am healthy, strong, happy and confident!
The more I stay positive, the more my life changes for good
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I Am a Decision-Maker; I Make Important Decisions Daily
I Have the Body That I Desire
Why not me? Success awaits me
In my mind, I am brave and powerful
Positivity Is My Second Name