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During the day, I am bold. I am not afraid to live my life and meet the challenges of the day. Being bold is amazing. The feeling that I can do all, be all and achieve all, is liberating. Being bold allows me to be free. And I am bold each day, and I am free each day.
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Courageous are my actions, courageous are my thoughts
Courage comes to me
I am courageous and bold; there is a lot of strength in me
I Make It a Habit To Be Courageous
I Am Not Afraid To Take Risks
Daily, I have the power to stay strong; and I do stay strong
The more courageous I act, the more courageous I become
Whenever I feel scared, I take action
My courage works miracles
Courage starts with me: I act courageously
I stay brave
Courage is needed for the fulfillment of my dreams, and I am courageous
I show bravery; I am brave; I am courageous
Courage defines me