I Am Strong; I Can Make It; I Can Persevere

Positive affirmation from Affirmations.online - I have strength within me: I am brave! In difficult times, I am bold, I am courageous!
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I have in me great powers: I am strong. I have strength within me: I am brave. In difficult times, I am bold, I am courageous. I act on my goals, and this makes me stronger. I live my life boldly, and this makes me stronger. I have big dreams and ideas about my life – I go after them, and this makes me stronger. I know that I have the strength to make it, to last, to persevere. I am sure in my abilities; I am certain in my strengths.

Positive affirmation from Affirmations.online - I have in me great powers: I am strong!
Positive Affirmation for strength: I have in me great powers: I am strong!

Positive affirmation from Affirmations.online - I act on my goals, and this makes me stronger!
I act on my goals, and this makes me stronger!

Positive affirmation from Affirmations.online - I have strength within me: I am brave! In difficult times, I am bold, I am courageous!

Positive affirmation from Affirmations.online - I am strong; I can make it; I can persevere!