I Contribute Good Things to the Society That I Live In

Positive affirmation from Affirmations.online - My days are shiny, and my view of life is optimistic, because I think positive, stay positive, and see only the good in everyone that I meet!
   Reading time 1 minute

It is my mission to be good and to help others. It all starts with a desire to be good and helpful, and I do have that desire. I want to contribute good things to society, and I do. I want to be nice to people, and I am. I want to be a great example for the others, and I am. I have a positive attitude about the people around me, as well as about people in general. I see only the good qualities that the others possess. My days are shiny, and my view of life is optimistic because I think positively, stay positive, and see only the good in everyone that I meet.

Positive affirmation from Affirmations.online - My days are shiny, and my view of life is optimistic, because I think positive, stay positive, and see only the good in everyone that I meet!

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