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Whatever happens in my life, I have the courage to respond and persevere. Whatever obstacles occur in front of me, I am courageous enough to overcome them. My life is a bold life; and I am a bold person. Constantly, I stay bold and overcome all challenges with ease and peace in my heart.
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I get better and better, and I get bolder
Constantly, I am reminded of my strength
My courage remains strong
Whatever I face, I am able to deal with it
Boldness is in my life
I have faith in life, faith in my abilities, faith in the powers that I posses
Boldness is my second name; I am bold
Worrisome Situations Cannot Scare Me: I Know How To Live My Life With Courage and With My Mind at Pe...
Daily, my faith stays with me
Whenever I need courage, I make sure I can give it to myself
Courage knows me
I stay brave, strong, determined and bold
My courage is firm and unquestionable
Bravery is one with me
I am one with boldness; and each day, I am bold
Constantly, on My Mind Are Positive Thoughts, and I Feel Brave