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Constantly, I improve. It is a full time job improving myself and my life. I take my life seriously, and I take my self-improvement seriously. Each day, I work on myself. Each night, I make plans and rethink the daily experiences that I’ve had. I make new plans, and I execute them. I improve, and my life improves with me. I improve, and my relationships improve. I improve, and my health improves. I improve, and my thinking improves. I improve, and my thoughts improve. I improve, and my dreams improve. I improve, and everything around me improves.
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I have the courage and the abilities to organize my life
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I show improvement in all areas of my life
I make it a habit to stretch my comfort zones
I learn new things daily and improve myself and my skills
I am a person of positive habits
I can do it
I work with passion and joy