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It makes me happy to think about prosperity. I have it, and I live in harmony with it. I welcome prosperity; I feel blessed for having it in my life. I make it a habit to feel and be prosperous, and I feel and am prosperous each day.
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I live in a prosperous Universe, and I myself am prosperous too
On my mind are thoughts of prosperity and growth
I am able to prosper and achieve my dreams
Prosperous thoughts reside in my mind, and my actions are prosperity-oriented
Prosperity Flows Into My Life
I am here to live a prosperous life
I feel worthy of receiving all that I desire
I have all the money that I need
I prosper and succeed in all ways possible
I receive all that I need from the Universe
I am a person who prospers; in all I do, prosperity comes
Prosperity, I am ready, here I come
I receive blessings of all kinds
I am a prosperous person, and I live a prosperous life
I am a prosperous person: I prosper and succeed
On my mind are thoughts of growth, success and prosperity