I love setting new goals and planning their achievement

Positive affirmation from Affirmations.online - I think of my goals constantly and envision them being fulfilled!
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Setting goals is a fun thing to do. I find it challenging to set and plan new goals, and I love being challenged. I like to stretch my comfort zones and experience new things. I think of my goals constantly and envision them being fulfilled. This makes me happy, and I smile. I always have fun while setting goals, and then I also have fun while planning their achievement.

Positive affirmation from Affirmations.online - I like to stretch my comfort zones and experience new things!
Positive Affirmation to reach out of your comfort zone: I like to stretch my comfort zones and experience new things!

Positive affirmation from Affirmations.online - I think of my goals constantly and envision them being fulfilled!
Motivation Affirmation to achieve your goals: I think of my goals constantly and envision them being fulfilled!