Money rings on the door

Positive affirmation from - Money rings on the door!
   Reading time 1 minute

Money is my guest today. Luckily enough, I am there and prepared to open up the door, to welcome it, to receive it. I am honored that money has chosen to be my guest today. I feel rich, I feel wealthy. I can earn and spend whatever amounts of money I desire; still, money promises to come to me. This is good news. I am friends with money. Money is my guest today. Nice amounts of money come my way. I deserve to have these amounts of money, to do with them whatever I want. But first, I will just be happy about it and my days will be filled with joy. It turns out I attract money, big money. Money simply comes to me with no effort of mine. And money wants nothing from me, except to appreciate it and be joyous. And I do, I appreciate the sums of money that come into my life. I am grateful for the money that I have. I am happy with the money that I have.

Positive affirmation from - Money is my guest today!
Money Affirmation: Money is my guest today!

Positive affirmation from - Money rings on the door!
Money Affirmation: Money rings on the door!