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I think about success and achieve it. I think about happiness and achieve it. My actions are preceded by thoughts of prosperity and self-realization.
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Faith fills my days
I am ready to live my life to the fullest
Nothing and no one can stop me: I am determined, committed and unstoppable
Once I take action, anything is possible for me
My faith keeps me going
I have plenty of motivation to follow my dreams and passions
If I keep on working on my dreams, great results will follow
I will do whatever I can to achieve my dreams
I never give up on my goals
In the miraculous reality where I live, all is possible, and my dreams are possible
Nothing is able to discourage me: I always stay strong and go on
My motivation is stronger than the obstacles I face
I Am a Reservoir of Motivation, Courage, and Optimism
My motivation gives me the strength I need
I have goals, and I follow them with passion
It takes bravery to live your dreams and passions, and I am among the brave ones