My confidence is high, and I am pleased

Positive affirmation from - My confidence is high, and I am pleased!
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I set it as a goal to develop high confidence. It is important to have it, and I need it in my life. I can finally be calm because now my confidence is high. Constantly, I work on increasing my confidence, and it does increase each day. Now, I feel good; I feel fine; I feel worthy; I feel capable of taking the decisions and living my life.

Positive affirmation from - Now, I feel good; I feel fine; I feel worthy!
Positive Affirmation for self-worth and high self-esteem: Now, I feel good; I feel fine; I feel worthy!

Positive affirmation from - My confidence is high, and I am pleased!
Self-Confidence Affirmation: My confidence is high, and I am pleased!