I think positive and feel happy. I think like a winner, like a conqueror, like a person who never gives up. My days are filled with joy and pleasant emotions. My days bring happiness to me. My experiences bring happiness to me. And I feel fine. Daily, I feel happy, fine and in love with my life. I think like a person who knows the value of life, and I pay attention to the things that matter to me. I focus on myself. I focus on the people that I love. I focus on my work and the things I do well. I think positive and feel positive. I think like a success and feel like a success. And daily, I feel happy and fulfilled.

When we think in positive terms, we feel happy and appreciate our lives. The positive affirmations suggested here will help you focus on the best things of your life and also on your best qualities. The daily usage of the affirmations will fill you with inner joy and happiness; and you will start to love your life more and be content with the things you do and results you achieve in your life.