My happiness is a creation in process

Positive affirmation from - My happiness is a creation in process!
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Daily, I create my happiness. I smile, have fun, think happy thoughts, and happiness comes to me. Even if I do not feel like it, I smile. And the more I smile, the happier I become. And the happier I become, the more I welcome happiness in my life. Each day, I am in the process of creating happiness for myself and the people around me. And each day, I fill my life with as much happiness as I possibly can.

Positive affirmation from - I smile, have fun, think happy thoughts, and happiness comes to me!
Happiness Affirmation: I smile, have fun, think happy thoughts, and happiness comes to me!

Positive affirmation from - Daily, I create my happiness!
Happiness Affirmation: Daily, I create my happiness!

Positive affirmation from - My happiness is a creation in process!
Happiness Affirmation: My happiness is a creation in process!