I listen to my heart and find the motivation and strength that I need. I listen to my heart and find joy within me. I listen to my heart and find the boldness that I need to go on. My heart knows what is right; and my heart knows the way. My dreams are in my heart. Happiness is in my heart. Joy is in my heart. My goals are in my heart. And daily, I listen to my heart and am a happy and prosperous person. I am a motivated person who knows how to win in life. Yes, I win; daily, I win in life and find the peace that I need in my heart.

Believing in yourself and finding inner happiness is precious! The positive affirmations above will create the feelings of happiness inside of you and faith that all things good are possible for you! Use the affirmations daily, and you will constantly stay motivated to live a joyous, winning, successful life; and your heart will be filled with positive emotions and eagerness to live a happy and full of adventures life!