My Life Is a Great Life

10 Affirmations for Great Life from - My life is a great life!
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Living great lives is what we all want. And great lives are achieved by planning and constant dedication to the cause. Below, you will find 10 affirmations for a great life to help you reach your dream reality.

Can affirmations improve your life?

Yes, positive affirmations have the power to change your thoughts in a positive direction and help you focus on the things that you are grateful for in your days.

We all have good days and bad days, but to live great lives what is important is that we like our lives. And liking our lives starts with feeling grateful and cherishing all the opportunities that we have.

With the constant usage of affirmations that help you feel good, with time, you start to feel good. As a result, you shine with happiness and contentment. Hence, your life becomes a great life worth living.


Here are 10 affirmations for a great life:

My life is a great life, and I enjoy living it daily. I become an empowered person because all in my life helps and supports me. It all works for me. My reality is amazing and brings me lots of satisfaction and contentment. My life brings me positive emotions, and I am eager to live it. I start each day with a grateful heart. Each morning I enjoy the moods that I am in. Yes, my life is a great life, and I am a grateful person, cherishing each minute that I have. Contentment fills my heart. And emotions of gratitude overwhelm me daily.

Empowerment Affirmation from - I become an empowered person!
Empowerment Affirmation: I become an empowered person!

10 Affirmations for Great Life from - My life is a great life!
Affirmation for a Great Life: My life is a great life!

Happiness Affirmation from - My life brings me positive emotions, and I am eager to live it!
Happiness Affirmation: My life brings me positive emotions, and I am eager to live it!

Contentment Affirmation from - Contentment fills my heart!
Contentment Affirmation: Contentment fills my heart!

For more affirmations for a great life, click here.

To read our daily affirmations, click here.

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 Also, feel free to download our affirmations eBook Daily Positivity – Positive Affirmations For Positive Days