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Everyone could easily see that I am happy, that I am pleased. My life makes me happy. My days bring me joy. Happy emotions are with me during the day. I have happy thoughts, and they create happy emotions within me. The happier my thoughts are, the happier I feel. I choose each day to think happy thoughts; therefore, I experience happiness daily.
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I live a happy, joyous life; and everyone around me is also happy
I Experience Emotions of Happiness Each Day
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I find happiness in everything that I do
I am patient and calmly create my own happiness
Good thoughts easily come to me
I spend my days in joy
Today, happiness comes to me in big portions
I welcome the day with a smile on my face
I see a bright future in front of me, and I also see happy days and smiles
Emotions of Sadness Are Quick To Leave, and I Feel Happy Again
I deserve happiness
Happiness and joy are with me on my way
On my mind are positive thoughts, and I feel happy
My happiness is in my own hands
Joyous are my days