I have the confidence to go on, to do more and to always try more. No matter what, I stay strong and confidently walk on my path. I have the bravery; I have the skills. I have the needed qualities; I possess great strength in me. I have the confidence to be brave. I have the confidence to act boldly. I have the confidence to stay strong. And I have the confidence to believe in myself. No matter what goes on around me, I am brave. No matter how hard things can get, I stay firm and decisive. I am bold. I am a hero. I am capable. I am stronger than ever. Daily, I get stronger and stronger. Daily, my actions get bolder. Daily, my confidence grows; and my life grows and improves.
Having the confidence to be brave is important. We hardly can act in a bold way in our lives if we do not have the confidence required for that. Acting bravely takes confidence and so does believing in ourselves and our capabilities. When we work on developing our confidence, we actually work on improving our lives in every arena possible. The positive affirmations above will help you build strong confidence in yourself and also strong faith in your abilities to handle whatever. Use the affirmations daily, as much as you can, and you will become a confident person who knows what they want from life and also knows how to achieve it; and with this, your life will change in numerous positive ways!