Thoughts of growth are on my mind, and I feel successful. Thoughts of happiness come to me. I feel prosperous, strong and bold. Prosperity is present in my days. I am a prosperous person, and with each thought that I have, I attract prosperity and wealth. Thoughts of living my life with all my dreams fulfilled entertain my mind. I achieve my dreams, and I become prosperous. I achieve my goals and desires, and I become prosperous. Each day, I feel prosperity coming. Each minute, I think like a prosperous person, and riches of all kinds come to me. Yes, I am prosperous. Yes, I attract prosperity, and I feel successful, good, free and bold.

Having a prosperous mind is important because it allows us to see new opportunities revealing in our lives. When we think prosperous thoughts, we attract the prosperous reality that we long for. The positive affirmations suggested here will help you create the prosperous mentality that you need in order for you to start attracting prosperous experiences into your daily life. The more you use the affirmations, the more prosperous you will feel, and also the more you will act on the opportunities that you have, and the more knowledge and competence you will get. As a result, the more prosperous you will become.