I go on living my life despite any pains that I feel. I am strong, and I proceed. I am bold, and I go on. I am confident, and I endure. My pains disappear with time. I am strong and bold in the face of pain. No pains are able to bring me down. No pains are able to discourage me or make me feel low. I feel like a winner, always. And I am a winner, always. I win over pain. I win over fear. I last. I endure. I stay in faith. My life goes on, and I proceed bravely on my way. I proceed with what I have. And I proceed with faith in my heart. I am able to last through any pain; and I do last. I am a hero: I go on.
Despite the pains that we may sometimes feel, our lives go on, and the more we are able to go through pain with boldness and courage in our hearts, the better we will feel and the more we will be able to help ourselves. In life, we all face hard times and moments of pain and desperation but knowing that we are strong enough and capable to last is vital. When we know we can proceed with our lives no matter what pains we face, we have the certainty that things will eventually work out for our highest good. The positive affirmations suggested here will help you face life and the obstacles on your way with bravery. The daily usage of the affirmations will help you overcome whatever pains and deal with whatever roadblocks on your way. And when you stay in faith, good things happen.