Today, I try as hard as I can. I push as hard as I can. My dreams and goals are worth my efforts. There is nothing wrong in trying – even if I don’t succeed. Trying is better than not doing anything at all. Today, I promise myself to try, and try, and try again. And to not be discouraged. I am a person who does not get easily discouraged. I have plans on my mind that need me to fulfill them. Plans for success, plans for health, plans for happiness. I am a person who fulfills their plans. I am someone who is working on their goals. I am someone who is trying to achieve success, health and happiness. I am someone who is destined to be an achiever in life. Life wants me to try, wants me to learn, wants me to achieve. I am a person who tries and achieves.
There is nothing wrong in trying, and today, I will try to do my best

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