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I see prosperity everywhere. I concentrate on the prosperity that already is in my life and appreciate it. I find more and more prosperity in my life, in my days, in my experiences. My life prospers, and I grow. My mind prospers, and I enjoy it. I am a prosperous human being. Whatever I touch prospers. Whatever I do, prosperity comes to me.
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On my mind are thoughts of prosperity and growth
I am a person who prospers; in all I do, prosperity comes
Prosperity finds me
I am here to live a prosperous life
On my mind are thoughts of prosperity, and I feel prosperous
I prosper and succeed in all ways possible
Each Day, I Deserve the Best in Life
Prosperity Flows Into My Life
I keep my thoughts on prosperity: I have a prosperity consciousness
I receive blessings of all kinds
I feel worthy of receiving all that I desire
I can easily tap into the creative powers of the Universe
Prosperity, here I come
On my mind are thoughts of growth, success and prosperity
I receive all that I need from the Universe
I have prosperity, health and peace of mind