To Achieve Inner Peace, I Forgive Myself and Others

Positive affirmation from - To achieve inner peace, I forgive myself and others!
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Inner peace starts with forgiveness. For the mistakes that I have made along the way, I forgive myself. Despite the pain I may feel, I forgive the others who have hurt me. Forgiveness may not be easy, but it is totally worth it. I choose forgiveness instead of pain, doubt, and hurt. And today, I forgive, and I am free.

Positive affirmation from - Today, I forgive, and I am free!
Forgiveness Affirmation: Today, I forgive, and I am free!

Positive affirmation from - To achieve inner peace, I forgive myself and others!
Forgiveness Affirmation to achieve peace of mind: To achieve inner peace, I forgive myself and others!

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