Today, I am purposefully creating a better life for me

Image affirmation from - Today, I am purposefully creating a better life for me!
   Reading time 1 minute

Today, I start feeling fine. Today, I start living the life of my dreams. Today, I feel good and think good. Today, I act smart and achieve great results with my efforts. Today, I am in the process of creating a better life for myself and the ones that I love. It all starts today: I am better, and my life is better today.

Positive affirmation from - Today, I feel good and think good!
Good Life Affirmation: Today, I feel good and think good!

Positive affirmation from - Today, I start living the life of my dreams!
Positive Life Affirmation: Today, I start living the life of my dreams!

Positive affirmation from - Today, I start feeling fine!
Positive Affirmation for inner peace and a calm mind: Today, I start feeling fine!

Positive affirmation from - Today, I start living the life of my dreams!
Positive Affirmation to live the life of your dreams: Today, I start living the life of my dreams!

Positive affirmation from - Today, I start feeling fine!
Positive Affirmation for ending worrisome thoughts and achieving peace of mind: Today, I start feeling fine!

Image affirmation from - Today, I am purposefully creating a better life for me!
Positive Affirmation to create a happy life: Today, I am purposefully creating a better life for me!