I feel huge amounts of self-love and self-appreciation. I love myself; I love my life. And I love being me. My life is a constant source of joy and pleasure. My life is precious; and I am precious. My experiences in life are precious. I am a person who feels love and is loved. I am loved and cherished. And I deeply cherish myself. The more days pass, the more I love myself. The more days pass, the more I like myself and my life. And with time, I respect myself more and more. I am a happy, positive person, and I love myself today.
It is important that we all nurture feelings of self-love and self-appreciation because a person who loves themselves feels happy and fulfilled with their lives most of the time! And we could all be happy if we just allowed ourselves to feel self-love and valued ourselves more! The positive affirmations suggested here will help you remember that you are a valuable human being and that you deserve your own self-appreciation and self-respect! Repeat the affirmations daily, and you will soon start to love yourself and feel positive emotions towards yourself and your life; and as a result, your days will be happier!