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Constantly, I act on my goals. My dreams inspire me, and I feel eager to work on them. I envision my life with my goals and dreams met. I see myself achieving all that I desire. I see myself living a great life, and each day, I work on its creation. Small, daily steps are vital, and I make sure that I move a step closer to my goals each day.
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Constantly, I feel successful
Whatever I wish for, I develop the habit to work on its achievement
Success leaves clues, and I can feel it being closer and closer to me
Thoughts of success entertain my mind
I Am Successful, and My Life is Successful
I take a true pleasure in succeeding and achieving my goals
There is no stopping until I have reached success
I am on the path to success
I am actively searching for success, happiness and fulfillment
Success Comes to Me; My Life Is Successful
Little by little, I achieve my goals
Success comes my way
I am passionate about my goals and have a burning desire to fulfill them
I am ready to take risks and achieve success
Success Is Always Within Reach, and I Am Always an Achiever
Daily, I move a step closer to success