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Constantly, I experience joy and positive emotions. I am a happy, joyous person, and experiencing happiness is a normal part of my life. Daily, I smile and have fun. Daily, I am pleased with myself and my life. My days make me happy, joyful, grateful, and thankful for my life. My nights are calm and happy. I stay calm and happy. Constantly, my life is calm and happy. Joy is a constant companion in my life; and happiness is all around me.
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I am thinking happy thoughts and having happy experiences
My life reflects my happy emotions
Happiness is inside of me
Joy knows me well: each day, I am joyful
Each day, I contribute to my happiness and well-being
I stay happy, always
My mind is happy; my heart is happy and my soul is happy
Happiness Is With Me Each Day
Happiness and I are one
Wonderful experiences come to me in big portions
I always am in a good mood: always smiling, always cheerful
Daily, I feel happy in my soul
My Positivity Never Stops
I Am Happy, Smiling, and Always Having Fun
Awesome Are My Experiences During the Day
Constantly, my life provides me with happy days