I have thoughts that make me feel like a winner. I have good, bold, brave thoughts. I think with bravery. I think like a person full of confidence. I always allow encouraging thoughts to entertain my mind. My inner self-talk is positive, and I constantly stay aware of my thoughts. I motivate myself. I make myself better. I make myself feel stronger. I can always rely on my good thoughts to support me and give me strength. I am strong in my mind. I am successful in my mind. I am bold in my mind. I can do and achieve all in my mind; and daily, I achieve it and feel great.

When we allow ourselves to nurture positive thoughts and think in an optimistic supportive manner, we become our own best friend. Negative self-talk has bad effects because it makes us give up on our goals. On the other hand, positive thinking gives us hope and a different perspective on things and encourages us to take action in the directions that we want. The positive affirmations suggested here will help you create the self-image of a strong, bold, positive person, and this in time will have many desirable effects on your life. With the daily usage of the affirmations, you will start believing in yourself and go after your dreams will all your heart.