Affirmations To Help You Stay Calm During the Coronavirus Pandemic

Positive affirmation from - No matter what comes my way, I am brave!

With the outbreak of the new coronavirus and the restrictions that we are obliged to face daily, it is normal that some people may fall a victim to worry, excessive anxiety, depression and an overall feeling of dissatisfaction. And if you are amongst those people, it might be a good idea to use affirmations to help you stay calm during the coronavirus pandemic.

It is natural for us humans to feel scared and get overwhelmed by emotions of anxiety and fear when we find ourselves in a situation that seems to be difficult, uncertain and frightening for all of us. In those cases, fear is our natural response, but we should all be aware that too much fear can harm us, and it will be good if we keep our fears under control, and keep them rational. When we are scared, all things are possible to come to our minds, and as a result, all kinds of worst case scenarios appear in our heads.

Apart from keeping ourselves informed of the most recent information on the COVID-19 outbreak and following the basic protective measures against the new coronavirus, which include: social distancing, staying at home, washing our hands, wearing masks and using disinfectants, it is also important in the meantime to manage to stay calm and keep the unnecessary bad thoughts away as much as we can. Apart from keeping our bodies healthy, we should also keep our minds healthy and our spirits high. 

Positive affirmations can help us stay with peaceful minds and focus on the positive aspects of our lives. In reality, no matter how bad things actually are, we all have the strength within us to persevere, last and stay in hope.

When we nurture positive emotions and feelings of gratitude in our hearts, we feel good and able to overcome whatever obstacles we face. Mental endurance is important, and positive affirmations can help us in that case.

When we repeat positive messages that make us feel good, we actually feel good, nothing bothers us, and no bad thoughts are able to overtake us – we stay anxiety free, and there is calmness in our minds.

A calm person – with a mind free of worry – is always more likely to make the right decisions in their life than a person who feels scared and has let anxiety take the control. That is the reason why in tough times it is vital to stay calm and keep our minds at peace.

The usage of positive affirmations at challenging times will help you stay relaxed and keep you focused on your life, goals and dreams.

Life goes on, and we are all able to adapt, change, evolve, and make the changes needed in order for us to persevere and move on with our lives. The power is in all of us, and when we stay in control of our minds, we gain the necessary strength, confidence and mental endurance to face life boldly.

Positive affirmation from - No matter what comes my way, I am brave!
Positive Affirmation for bravery during the coronavirus pandemic: No matter what comes my way, I am brave!

Here is a list with 100 Positive Affirmations to help you stay calm during the Coronavirus Pandemic:

  1. No matter what comes my way, I am always able to last, endure and face life boldly!
  2. I am strong and emotionally stable; nothing can scare me or make me feel low! I have the needed strength within me!
  3. I am tough and always have the power in me to overcome whatever challenges!
  4. I am healthy and always able to remain healthy!
  5. I have vibrant health, and my mind helps me remain healthy by thinking healthy, happy thoughts!
  6. I have the needed resources to keep on staying healthy! Everything is fine with my health condition!
  7. I am a conqueror in life! I am strong and powerful!
  8. Nothing scares me: I remain calm and at peace!
  9. The reality that I live in makes me brave and strong; and daily, I take brave actions and overcome whatever fears I may have!
  10. I am prepared! I am always prepared!
  11. I am safe! I am calm! I am strong, healthy and boldly making decisions in my life!
  12. I stay in control of my life! I have the power to think positive thoughts, and I focus on the positive aspects of my life!
  13. I have the time to enjoy myself and feel good! I enjoy the company of my loved ones!
  14. My family is doing good! My life is going in the right direction! All is fine with me and the people that I love!
  15. My fears are not able to stop me from feeling good! I am brave and thinking positive about my life!
  16. I am a true winner, and I always have the strength in me to stay bold and face life with an open heart and mind!
  17. I feel safe! I feel calm! I feel worthy! Nothing is able to make me feel low!
  18. I am a healthy person living a healthy life!
  19. I take care of my body and my soul! I take care of my mind and keep it peaceful!
  20. I nurture only positive thoughts! No sad thoughts are allowed to bother me! I nurture only positive thoughts, and they make me feel good and healthy!
  21. I am a healthy person, and I am able to always remain healthy!
  22. No matter what challenge I face, I remain healthy!
  23. No matter what comes our way, my family is able to make it! We all have the needed strength!
  24. I am with my mind at peace! I stay quiet! I enjoy the time that I spend with my family!
  25. When fear comes, I listen to my heart and find the resources needed within me to stay strong! I am able to make it! I am always able to stay strong and persevere through the tough times!
  26. I enjoy my own company! I feel great!
  27. I enjoy the time spent alone! I like and love myself! I love taking care of myself!
  28. Whatever I face,  I remain with a heart full of boldness, and nothing is able to trouble me!
  29. Daily, I find peace and serenity! Daily, my thoughts help me remain calm and keep my moods positive!
  30. I am brave at the face of fear! I remain with courage in my heart!
  31. I am mentally strong and prepared to deal with whatever! I am a fighter, a winner, a person who lasts!
  32. No challenge is able to stop me from feeling good and achieving my goals! At the end, I feel fine: I feel great, I am great, and I do great!
  33. I am always full of courage, and I stay with a clear mind! When time comes, I am able to act in the best possible way!
  34. In tough times, I always find the needed courage within me, and I get stronger!
  35. Courage and boldness are in my heart!
  36. Peace of mind is in my heart, and my soul is filled with gratitude for my family and friends!
  37. I keep on staying healthy and in a good shape! I always find a way to stay healthy!
  38. The challenges I face are stepping stones for me! And I improve! And I get better, stronger, bolder and able to deal with whatever!
  39. I am a strong person, and I always have the needed qualities in me!
  40. My mind helps me remain healthy and in a good mood!
  41. Nothing is able to make me feel sad or emotionally low! I am a person who values each moment! I am a person who values life, and I always find a way to stay pleased with my life!
  42. With each day, my worries disappear and calmness comes in my days! I am calm, and my mind is filled with thoughts of well-being and serenity!
  43. I am confident in my abilities to cope with whatever!
  44. I always have the needed resources to live a happy, bold, healthy life!
  45. In me is the strength required to endure! I last! My life is precious, and I love myself!
  46. In tough times, I am able to rely on myself! I have good thoughts! I have good intentions! And I do good deeds!
  47. Even when it seems to be too hard, I am able to handle the circumstances of my life!
  48. I persist! I persevere! I last through the hard times! And I remain with a heart full of hope!
  49. My emotions help me grow; and I allow myself to experience all the emotions that come to me! I grow and get better with time! I grow and find a way to stay calm!
  50. I am a solution-oriented person: I have no time to worry; I think of solutions instead! I always find the best possible solutions in my life!
  51. Thoughts of happiness, fulfilment and gratitude come to my mind and make me feel happy and relaxed! I enjoy thinking happy thoughts! I enjoy having a nice time at home!
  52. Whatever happens, I have the capacity to handle it!
  53. I know how to stay healthy, happy and fulfilled; and daily, I use this knowledge for my highest good!
  54. I think positive thoughts! I feel relaxed and safe! I am OK!
  55. My mind stays untroubled! My mind stays filled with peaceful, happy, joyful thoughts!
  56. I am a strong person, and I have the needed strength within me! I have all the resources, all the strength and all the boldness within me! And I am able to persevere and live a good, calm life!
  57. When I face a difficulty, I remain strong, bold and with a courageous heart! Nothing can frighten me! I am bold! Boldness is in my heart!
  58. I am boldness; I am faith; I am love! I am hope; and I live with hope!
  59. My worries stand no change: I am able to overcome whatever obstacles! And I am able to keep my mind at peace!
  60. Only thoughts of well-being entertain my mind! No worrisome thoughts are allowed to bother me! I know how to stay calm! I know how to stay at peace with the reality that I live in; and I do stay at peace with it every day!
  61. The things I do bring me pleasure! I always find a way to feel excited and fulfilled!
  62. I change and adapt with ease! I am flexible and able to always feel good, stay good and experience emotions of gratitude and fulfilment!
  63. In the toughest of times, I remain with a heart full of hope and a soul filled with boldness and serenity! I am brave! I am strong! I am tough!
  64. I am a winner, a fighter, a person who lasts! I am a hero! I remain the master of my life – the master of my moods! I have huge amounts of strength in me, and I use it to feel calm and proceed with my life in peace!
  65. Whatever happens, I am always able to feel and be good! I persevere! I last through the toughest of times!
  66. I am a  bold person who knows how to adapt! I know how to take care of myself! I have nothing to worry about!
  67. I am calm about my life and the lives of my loved ones! I feel at peace with the world around me! I feel at peace with myself!
  68. Emotions of love for my family are in my heart! I love spending time with the people that I love! Precious moments of togetherness are in my days!
  69. My life gives me opportunities to be brave, happy, bold and strong! And I always remain with a grateful heart! And I grow and evolve! I perfect myself!
  70. I am a person who values life! I am thankful for my life! I feel good in my life! No matter what happens in my days, I always find a way to feel good about my life! And I always cherish life!
  71. I am a valuable person, and I remain proud of myself! I am able to show bravery, and that makes me feel good! I am able to act in courageous ways in my days, and that makes me feel good! Nothing has the power to hurt me: I endure!
  72. Courage, bravery and love are in my heart! And my days are filled with moments of constant gratitude! I am grateful for the strength that I posses; and I am grateful for the health that I posses!
  73. I manage to remain in perfect health! I am a true representation of health! I remain healthy and with a brave heart!
  74. My soul keeps on smiling! My soul remains grateful! I remain grateful, and I experience peace and calmness!
  75. Peace of mind is present in my days! My each second is peaceful! My each thought is peaceful!
  76. No matter what I face, I feel fulfilled and content with my life!
  77. I keep on enjoying my days! I keep on being with a courageous heart!
  78. I grow from each obstacle that I overcome!
  79. Perfect health comes to me! I feel healthy: I am health! I am love! I am serenity and peace!
  80. Nourishing health is present in my days; and I always find a way to keep my body healthy!
  81. Each day, I train my mind to not worry but be calm instead; and I feel calm; and I am calm! Daily, I am calm and welcoming the days in a joyful mood!
  82. Sunshine is in my heart! Happiness is in my heart! And joy is present in my days!
  83. I see a bright future in front of me! I see love! I see hope! I see sunshine! I see happy, healthy days!
  84. I keep on staying with a heart full of hope and faith for the bright days ahead of me!
  85. I stay calm and at peace with life! I know that it all is going to be well in my life!
  86. I stay calm, safe and secure! I stay with peace in my heart! I stay with health in my days! I stay with boldness in my heart! I stay with happiness in my soul!
  87. Courage guides my steps! In times of challenge, I get stronger, bolder and more prepared! I have what it takes to endure! I have what it takes to overcome whatever challenge I face!
  88. I am a winner: I last; I endure; I remain calm! I proceed; I go on; I remain with a peaceful mind!
  89. Little by little, my worries and troubles disappear, and a bright, healthy, shiny future comes!
  90. I welcome health and happiness into my days! I welcome love, peace and serenity! I welcome joy and gratitude!
  91. I expect to be healthy, and I am healthy! I expect good things to happen to me; and my life reveals in peace and harmony!
  92. I expect to last, to endure, to persevere through the challenges of life! And I do last! And I do endure! My life gets better and better with each day that passes!
  93. My moods get better and better with time! With each new second, I feel healthier and happier!
  94. With the new day, I feel new strengths in me! New powers are in my heart, and they help me feel good!
  95. The more time passes, the healthier and happier I feel! My life is bright!
  96. Constantly, I feel healthy and in a good mood! Positive thoughts are in my mind! Healthy thoughts are in my head! I feel healthy, and I am healthy!
  97. Each day, I am healthy and living my life in peace and serenity! My days keep on staying joyful and filled with moments of gratitude, happiness and calmness!
  98. With the new day, new powers come to me, and I manage to feel healthy, happy and in love with life!
  99. My days are bright! My life is bright! Nothing is able to make me feel sad, bad or low! Nothing is able to make me feel sick! I remain healthy, happy and full of strength! Huge amounts of love are in my heart, and they give me hope! I love myself! I love life! I love being healthy, happy and prosperous!
  100. No matter what I face, I remain healthy, and I live my life in hope and joy! I face life boldly! I am an overcomer, and I always have the needed strength within me! I am a winner, a fighter, a happy, bold person who is always able to endure and overcome whatever obstacles! I remain calm and bold! I remain happy and healthy! I remain strong! Perfect health is in me!

Positive affirmation from - Whatever challenge comes my way, I am able to overcome it, and I grow from it!
Positive Affirmation for strength, courage and overcoming challenges during the coronavirus pandemic: Whatever challenge comes my way, I am able to overcome it, and I grow from it!

Disclaimer: This page is not meant to serve as medical advice on how to stay protected or how to behave during the coronavirus pandemic. For information on how to do so please visit  WHO’s Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) advice for the public page.