Featured below is a suggested daily let fear go affirmation for 19.10.2021.
Letting fear go changes our lives.
When we decide to live our lives without fear, we become able to pursue our dreams and go after our boldest desires. Furthermore, we start feeling good about ourselves.
And with the daily usage of positive affirmations, we can empower ourselves and adopt the needed courage to take whatever action is required from us.
Here is our daily let fear go affirmation for 19.10.2021:
I choose to release fear, and courage overwhelms me!
Click here to read more fear affirmations
Click here to read more daily affirmations
What to read next:
List with 8 let fear go affirmations
Challenges Affirmations in PDF
✓ Do not forget to download our free affirmations eBook Your Fear Ends – Positive Affirmations To Help You Overcome Fear