In this post, you can find 17 high self-image affirmations to help you think good about yourself and achieve your goals.
Having high self-image matters.
When you have high self-image, you believe in yourself and think good about your abilities to overcome obstacles and achieve success. Also, you like yourself and go after your dreams.
Having good opinion about ourselves is always helpful. It allows us to go on in times of doubt or trouble as well as to live stress-free lives.
Here are 17 high self-image affirmations to help you like and believe in yourself:
I am smart and competent. I am able to learn quickly and productively. I am able to adapt fast. I am always ready to be coached. I am always ready to learn and grow. I always improve. Self-improvement is easy for me. And I always do great and achieve success in all I start. I was born to achieve fulfillment. I was born to grow and improve in all areas of my life. And I do improve. I show how smart I am. I show how brave I am. I show how outgoing I am. With my brain, I am able to achieve miracles. With my thoughts, I show discipline. And daily, I think good about myself, and my self-image helps me achieve all I set my mind to.

For more high self-image affirmations, click here.
For self-esteem affirmations, click here.
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✓ Also, do not forget to download our free affirmations eBook It Happens For Me – Positive Affirmations To Keep Your Faith