My Reality Is Good

Positive affirmation from - The life I create is great and gorgeous!
   Reading time 2 minutes

The life I create is great and gorgeous. I like the reality in which I live. I create a fine, blessed life. I create a joyous, filled with adventures life. I dream daily and am inspired; and I follow my goals. Each day, I like the life I live. Each day, I love the reality that surrounds me. I feel fine; I feel blessed; I feel good and great. My reality is friendly and supportive, and I feel safe. Whatever I face, I feel bold and able to deal with it. I create a stronger me. I create a bolder me. I create a better me. And daily, I like what I see; and my reality amazes me.

Positive affirmation from - I feel fine; I feel blessed!
Affirmation to attract blessings: I feel fine; I feel blessed!

Positive affirmation from - Daily, I like what I see; and my reality amazes me!
Amazing Reality Affirmation: Daily, I like what I see; and my reality amazes me!

Positive affirmation from - I like the reality in which I live!
Contentment Affirmation: I like the reality in which I live!

Positive affirmation from - Each day, I like the life I live!
Contentment Affirmation for a positive life: Each day, I like the life I live!

Positive affirmation from - The life I create is great and gorgeous!
Positive Affirmation for creating a desired, fine, peaceful reality: The life I create is great and gorgeous!

Creating the desired reality in which we want to live takes efforts and consistency; and it also takes a huge dose of self-belief. No matter what our current situation in life is, we can always start building a better reality for ourselves. Giving up on ourselves and our dreams is not an option; and by having faith and being decisive we are actually able to achieve a lot! The positive affirmations suggested here will help you on your way to creating a better life and a better self. In order for us to make differences to our current conditions, we have to make changes to ourselves also; and improving ourselves is a good place to start our journey from. With the repetition of the positive affirmations above you will feel new strength arise in you that will make you move bravely in the direction of your goals and desires! And once you start going forward all it takes is to never stop, and soon your new life will amaze you in many positive ways; and you will feel true joy and fulfillment!