Daily Happiness Affirmation for 11.05.2022

Daily happiness affirmation for 11.05.2022 from Affirmations.online - I keep my heart happy and my face smiling!
   Reading time 1 minute

Featured in this post is a daily happiness affirmation for 11.05.2022.

Keeping happiness in your heart makes a difference to how you spend your days.

When your heart is happy, you spend your days in joy and are eager to live your life. And keeping your heart happy is easy once you start using positive affirmations.

The truth is, affirmations help you develop the happiness mindset and stay focused on the positive aspects of your reality. And that is how you start spending your days in joy.

Daily happiness affirmation for 11.05.2022:

I keep my heart happy and my face smiling!

Daily happiness affirmation for 11.05.2022 from Affirmations.online - I keep my heart happy and my face smiling!
Daily happiness affirmation: I keep my heart happy and my face smiling!

Click here for more happiness affirmations

Click here for more daily affirmations

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Do not forget to download our free affirmations eBook Happiness Now – 60 Positive Affirmations For A Happy Life