List With 20 Self-Love Affirmations in PDF

List with 20 Self-Love Affirmations in PDF by - featured image
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In this post, we share a list with 20 Self-Love Affirmations in PDF format.

Why self-love matters

When we feel self-love, we are willing to forgive ourselves for the mistakes that we make along the way. And the truth is, we all make mistakes because we are human beings. The important thing is to learn how to take advantage of the mistakes and make them our teacher.

Positive Affirmation from - Self-love makes me follow my dreams!
Self-Love Affirmation: Self-love makes me follow my dreams!

Also, when we love ourselves, we feel that we deserve good things to happen to us and boldly go after our dreams. Self-love helps us feel less self-pity because instead of listening to the negative thoughts in our heads, we take action and start dealing with the situations that bother us.

Download the List with 20 Self-Love Affirmations in PDF by - featured image

Here are the affirmations that are featured in our List with 20 Self-Love Affirmations in PDF:

  1. Today, I love myself with all my heart!
  2. I allow myself to feel self-love!
  3. I treasure and appreciate myself for who I am!
  4. I am happy to accept and love myself!
  5. Self-love fills my heart with joy!
  6. Self-love makes me follow my dreams!
  7. My days are good because I love myself and treat myself with respect!
  8. I feel emotions of self-love and contentment!
  9. I am grateful for the opportunity to love myself!
  10. Self-love makes me joyous and happy, and I love loving myself!
  11. Self-love comes naturally to me!
  12. Each day, I love myself; and I love my life!
  13. I deserve to love myself, and I do love myself with all my heart!
  14. Nothing can stop me from loving myself!
  15. Yes, I love myself! Daily, I love myself!
  16. I am enough, and I love myself!
  17. I am my own hero, and I love myself!
  18. I completely accept, like and love the person that I am!
  19. Yes, self-love stays in my heart!
  20. Constantly, I love myself! Yes, I love myself!

You can download the list with 20 Self-Love Affirmations in PDF format here.

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