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I live a happy life, filled with positive emotions. My whole being is happy. My days are happy; and my nights are calm and happy. My mind stays happy, and I constantly think happy thoughts. I make myself happy; and I make my life happy. My experiences during the day are happy, and this makes a happy life.
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A joyous life is possible for me, and I choose to be joyful each day
Whenever I need to feel happy and free, I listen to my heart and find joy within me
I live my life the way I want to, and this brings me happiness
The More I Think of Happiness, the Happier I Become
My mind is happy; my heart is happy and my soul is happy
My heart knows the way to happiness
Happiness finds me and stays!
Daily, my life provides me with miracles, and I feel good
Feelings of Pure Love, Joy and Peace of Mind Overwhelm Me
I embrace happiness
I know how to be happy, and daily, happiness comes to me
I Easily Shift to Feeling Good
I think happy thoughts, and they make my life happy
Happiness is everywhere that I go - I see happy people, have happy experiences, feel happy emotions
I spend my days in joy
I feel happy, joyous and in love with life